Mineral Art
Raw Beauty of Nature

Natural and ethical accountability


Unfortunately, ethical accountability cannot be taken for granted, but we guarantee it.
We make our works of art from 100% natural materials.

We mine our minerals, rocks and sands ourselves. We pay workers in accordance with socially desirable norms and values.

The ethical accountability of mined minerals often leaves much to be desired. From wars to child labor and systematic exploitation of the local population. The physical environment also often suffers more than desirable, resulting in structural environmental damage.

The qualitative accountability is usually also not what it should be. A large part of the minerals offered are not made by nature and/or have undergone artificial treatment, often without mention when sold. This market pollution often makes authentic minerals more difficult to distinguish.

With every product you buy, you preserve a piece of nature that would otherwise be lost due to mining, urban development or erosion. This way, future generations can see what the earth is made of and continue to enjoy its beauty. The products retain their unique value for the future.